Dirty Clothes And Their Unknown Dangers

Laundry remains one of the most dreaded chores in the history of household chores, dirty clothes stress everyone so much. You would agree that the stress of sorting, washing and drying clothes by hand or by machine is one of the most boring tasks to have ever been invented. 

Unfortunately, it is a necessary task that we have no choice but to partake in one way or the other. We need clean clothes to go out and interact with the world and also protect our skin from external factors such as the weather and insects. 


Read: Washing Curtains: How Often Should You Do It?


It is essential that you get your clothes washed regularly because dirty laundry can be really bad for your health and I don’t mean the metaphorical dirty laundry. Here are some of the unknown dangers of piling and continuously keeping dirty laundry.

Germ Infestation

Unless you’re starting a germ farm, it is advisable that you reduce the lenght of time that dirty laundry stays in your home. The more your dirty clothes pile up, the more they become a thriving environment for germs.

These germs can survive in them for weeks and become hazardous to you. During the peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, it was believed that laundry piles can be a heavy disease-transmitting vector because people usually sneezed into their clothes and if they were infected, the virus could survive on their clothes for several hours.

Basically, If you live with other people, their clothes can carry diseases when they fall sick.

Pests and Insects

A pile of dirty laundry is basically Coachella for all the insects and pests in your house. Cockroaches and mosquitoes will be the first to set up their tents, and then others like rats, ants and even snakes will join in the party.

This will definitely lead to a lot of damage to your clothes, threaten your health as contact with rat droppings can cause Lassa fever and of course, the regular culprit, mosquitoes and their unwanted by-product, malaria.

Rashes and Reactions

Using your clothes without washing them regularly can lead to serious reactions on your body in the form of rashes, discolourations and bumps. This is because your clothes rub against your skin all day and due to that contact, they absorb the waste oils that are expunged from the body. When they come in contact with your skin again, these oils can cause terrible reactions. For example, not washing your bed sheets and pillowcases regularly can give you very bad acne.

Mold and Mildew Formation

If you prefer to pile your dirty laundry on the floor, you should stop today as it puts you at risk, especially during the rainy season. During the rainy season, the pile of clothes coupled with the cold floor can create conditions that support the formation of molds and mildews. This is bound to happen if your clothes are stored in the bathroom or a corner of the house with minimal access to sunlight and some amount of moisture. 

Molds and mildews can be risky for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma and have been listed as a possible cause of sinus infections. Molds also have an unsavoury odour that isn’t great for the ambience of your house. 

You can reduce the risk of contracting anything from your dirty clothes by making sure you send them to be washed frequently, preferably at a weekly interval. A great laundry service will ensure that your clothes are thoroughly washed, disinfected and sorted to your preference. 


Read: 5 Benefits Of Using A Laundry Service


However, with an Eden Life laundry plan, you get all of this plus a 48-hour turnaround time from pickup to delivery. You never have to go through the stress of dropping your clothes off because we’ll come and pick them up and deliver them back to you for free.

Start an Eden Life Laundry Plan Today.


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