3 Ways To Reclaim Your Time In Lagos

Childhood in the average Nigerian home often meant being married to chores. Saturday mornings were the worst. They usually came with loud music, damp rags, swishing brooms, detergent bubbles and of course, frying akara, the (un)official post-chore chow of Nigerian homes.

Do you remember being excited about finally growing up, living alone and getting to eat five pieces of meat whenever you want? We are sure you thought it was going to be butterflies and berries. 

Fast forward three weeks into living on your own. After fighting Lagos agents and hearing the price of curtains, your excitement starts to wane. When you realise that you still have to do chores for yourself and then still pay bills, all the excitement just disappears. 

Imagine returning home to a mountain of laundry, an empty fridge, unfinished fit-fam meal prep and a scattered bedroom. 

The looming deadlines, Lagos traffic, bills, weekend cooking and a myriad of other adulthood tasks, suddenly transform from tiny checklist items to a monster pile of anxiety-inducing labour. 

Time, which is an already scarce resource that you can’t seem to get enough of, becomes more stretched to accommodate the endless list of tasks. And for some odd reason, your back and knees never stop hurting like you’re 50+.

These are the parts they left out in the Adulting 101 handbooks. 

But what if there was a way to unsubscribe from this struggle and opt-in for a lifestyle of ease and premium pampering?

Let’s lighten your load.

You deserve more time to exhale and fully take in your existence, more time to spend on the things and with the people you love – that’s why we exist.  We will help you save hours that would have been spent on tasks that steal your energy and leave you feeling depleted.

How do we do that?

Scheduled Meal Plans

We know how hard it is to cook within and even before the week. If you hate cooking meals or your weekends are busy, then our meal plans are perfect for you. 

You can choose a meal schedule tailored to your diet and delivered when you want it, all under 5 minutes. Market runs and endless hours of cooking are replaced with tasty meals prepped in the most sanitary conditions. 

A simple exchange; you reclaim your time, and we take one concern off your hands.

Superfast Laundry

If you were wondering what other way you can create more time for yourself, just outsource your laundry. 

Spending hours and weekends doing literal back-breaking work instead of more meaningful activities is detrimental to your wellbeing. Seriously, you deserve better.

That’s why we’ve created a super-fast laundry plan with a 48-hour cycle. We will pick up your dirty clothes, clean, iron, fold and drop them off at your convenience.

House cleaning services

Like with meals, you can have your space thoroughly cleaned by choosing any of our cleaning plans that best suit your living space, schedule and budget. 

We believe trust is built through positive experiences. It’s why our professionally trained gardeners (yes, that’s what we call the amazing folk delivering these services to you) work under your careful supervision until you find a groove that makes you comfortable enough to let us handle it all. 

At Eden Life, we’re all about giving you the time and headspace to be your most fabulous self. We believe your well-being is incredibly crucial. 

So, with your ease as our compass, we’ve designed a way to improve your life, saving you time and money while at it. 

Let’s reduce your stress levels and improve your life expectancy amidst Lagos living hassles. Choose the soft life today.

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