5 Ways To Improve Your Productivity At Work

Have you ever looked at the time on a workday and thought, “What did I do today and how is it already evening?” Well, you’re not alone. Many times, we write out to-do lists, making plans to crush every task on it, however, when the day is done, we notice we’re barely halfway through. 

In Nigeria, especially Lagos, being productive every day is a serious struggle. You have to contend with poor internet, traffic, NEPA (yes, they will always be NEPA no matter how many times they change their name 🌚), and finding where to eat lunch without spending half of your salary.

Showing up at work and actually being productive are two different things. Luckily, there are some hacks to killing it at your job and we will be sharing five of them with you.

1. Set Small Tasks

One trick to getting things done at work is breaking goals into small, bite-sized tasks. Looking at big projects like “Quarterly Goals” can be stressful, chopping them into small pieces like “Hire two people” makes it easier to tackle. 

Breaking goals into tasks also gives you a clear line of action and measurable metrics you can use to track your progress. That way, you can easily tell if you’re busy doing work or just busy. 

2. Take Frequent Breaks

Taking breaks in between work hours is an underrated technique for hitting your goals at work. We’re not saying spend half of your workday on Twitter or TikTok, but rather, take 10-15 minutes here and there to relax your mind.

These breaks will help you boost your concentration and productivity, especially when you feel stuck. Being productive doesn’t mean working long hours, it just means you’re able to do what you need to do when it needs to be done. 

3. Avoid Multitasking

While it might seem nice to be able to multitask, it just doesn’t work for most people. Multitasking can make you less productive at work. You have to be honest with yourself and find what suits you.

For the vast majority, short bursts of focused work tend to work better than drawn-out periods working on many things at once.

You should consider giving attention to one task at a time and getting it out of the way before you move on to the next. Also, watching Netflix and working isn’t multitasking (we just thought to tell you).

4. Remove Distractions

The harder it is to get distracted, the faster you can focus and deliver on your tasks. Take deliberate action to control your working environment and reduce distractions.

You can use apps to limit screen time on social media apps, and block your ears from office gossip with music.

5. Prioritization

One trusted way to hack productivity is prioritization. You can start by deciding what task is most important, start there and work your way down. If you’re working remotely, there are more things for you to prioritize besides your job. 

Chores vs Work, Cooking vs Take Out, Weekday Laundry vs Report Writing etc. It can get very stressful when there’s something else apart from work vying for your attention all the time.

Why spend your breaks and weekends doing chores when you can relax and prepare for the new week with renewed energy?

Let us take care of you.

Eden Life makes it very easy for you to prioritize by removing the need to do mundane tasks like cleaning, cooking and laundry. We will handle that while you focus on being the badass employee that you are. 

In celebration of Worker’s Day, we have a special discount for you and all your colleagues. If you haven’t started, you all can start enjoying more productivity with an Eden Life Subscription.

All you need to do is get a representative from your office to reach out to us or you can click here to get started. The offer starts on May 1st, 2022 till May 16th, 2022.

Happy Worker’s Day in advance!


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