Ted Hasn’t Worried About Food For A Year, This Is How You Shouldn’t

Do you remember when you started using Eden? 

August 2019. I realised while talking to a friend how much I was spending buying food. I’d go to a restaurant or order, and that would cost me up to ₦5k. 

And at the time, it looked like choosing Eden was going to cost me two times less. So, it was a cost-cutting exercise. 

I feel like you’ve seen more versions of Eden than even I have. So walk me through how it has evolved for you. 

Oh, to get started, I had to get on a call with someone on the team, because they were trying to figure out the right plan for me, I think? They asked me a bunch of questions to understand what I wanted, and then they recommended it to me. 

But now, I understand that I can just pick whatever plans work for them. Even more recently, I’ve had very little reason to have interactions with gardeners – as long as I don’t forget to pick my food, hahaha. I remember that my gardener used to bring my food for me, but that has changed. 

I just get a call from Sunday – Sunday is my delivery guy, and I know it’s food time. So another thing that’s changed is food quality. 

How has that changed for you? 

Consistency. If I’m buying Ofada rice, I know what to expect and exactly what it tastes like every time. 

Walk me through your current plan. 

14 meals a week. Sometimes, I finish the food; sometimes I don’t. My food comes twice a week – it comes on Monday and Thursday.

When I realised that I wasn’t finishing the food, I started mixing it with juice. 

When you look at your life, what are the other things you feel you should be outsourcing? 

I already outsource anything – except my laundry, which goes to my washing machine. Someone comes to clean. 

I mean, you could use Eden’s cleaning service, but go on –

Hmmm. True. But I’ve grown attached and used to my current cleaner. There’s something else though. Every time I have to service my ACs, I always ask my friend, “abeg, that AC guy, can you help me call him?” I mean, it’s not every time, but every time I have to service my ACs. 

You know, instead of worrying about this every time, you can just schedule it in advance with your gardener, and we’ll send someone to have it sorted. 

Ah haaaa. That’s actually true. 

What’s your favourite thing about Eden currently? 

I feel like it has just gotten to a point where it just works. I can’t quite explain it, but at the beginning, it was held together by the human touch – the gardener. Now, I barely need my gardener. There are only two times I have to interact with anyone – my delivery guy and my gardener whenever she reminds me that I’ve forgotten to pick my meals. 

Oh – and this is feedback for you – I open the app, start picking, and just forget to finish picking my meals because I got distracted by a notification. 

Work in Progress. A near-future update to our app is going to help people pick meals based on their historical selection.


So you’re going to have to fix my forgetfulness problem for me. But I like that my gardener is there for me, just in case. 

What are three things you feel like Eden could do for you?

It’s definitely my AC servicing, for starters. 

We got you.

Grocery shopping too. It’s funny, but there’s no water in the house right now. So it’s to just go and buy it that is stressing me. Buy my groceries for me.

I’ll tell the Supply Team you said hi. Let’s paint a picture where Eden just stops working for you. 

Ah. It’s going to be very, very serious. I have to go back to ordering food, and there are several layers to that. First of all, there’s thinking about what you want to eat. Then thinking about the restaurant I want to eat from. Do I want this or that? Then there’s ordering the food – I have to call. The delivery person is going to stress me. “Ehm, are you Mr This Wan? Your house, is it this one or that one? Where should I turn left?”sla

The alternative to dealing with all this stress is that I have to drive, which is another stress because I might enter traffic. So these days, I think about something. I want to go out and buy food because I have a craving, and I just say, “make I check the fridge.” And then I go in the fridge, and there’s Efo Riro and Ofada, and sometimes, even Akara. And I just pick it up and eat. 

This is “There’s Rice At Home” goals. On a scale of 1-10, how’ll you rate your experience?

When I started using Eden, it was a 6. But now, it feels ridiculously better than when I started, and I’ll give it a 9.5. That point-five is because I forget to pick meals, and I need you to make me never worry about forgetting. 

You’ll never have to worry about forgetting, soon. Is there something you’d have wanted me to ask that I didn’t? 

I’d have liked you to ask me how many people I’ve told to get on Eden, so I’ll just tell you. A friend put me on, so I’ve paid it forward and told at least six people about Eden. I know at least four who have gone on to become customers. 

If it’s a food-related conversation, it always ends up at Eden. 

You know what, about that 9.5, now that I think about it, another that’d give me a 10 is groceries, and the use case is family. I want to just set it up once and know that every month, groceries just arrive at my parents’ house and mine. Or my younger sibling who’s in school.

That’s quite thoughtful of you. I’ll keep you posted about this. You deserve a 10.


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