Happiness spices up our lives. But what if spices create happiness!? Pun intended 😉 


I’m about to let you in on a well-guarded secret, promise to tell as many people as possible. Have you ever wondered why some people get so happy and excited after eating? 

Most people would say it’s because they were hungry and have eaten but is it truly that? Maybe yes, but recent research has shown that the cause of the happiness might be something in their food and not necessarily the entire meal itself. 

According to several nutritional studies, certain food ingredients and spices can lift your mood and make you happier. For example, omega-3 fatty acids which are mostly found in oily fish, nuts and seeds are known to regularly improve moods and make you feel better. 

I’m about to share some popular spices that, if used in your meal, can help with any feelings of sadness and general unhappiness.



Turmeric is a natural spice that is popularly known for helping with inflammations and swellings on the body. What most people don’t know is that the tasty spice also stimulates the release of serotonin, a chemical that is responsible for feelings of happiness in the brain. Eating food that is cooked with turmeric can make you happier. Serotonin also helps to coordinate healthy sleeping patterns. Turmeric is used to cook a wide number of local and continental dishes.



Thyme is a popular spice that most people probably use every time they’re in the kitchen. Some of the healthy chemicals that can be found in thyme include lithium, a mineral with antidepressant abilities, and tryptophan, an amino acid which is used by the body to make serotonin, the happy chemical. When taken in good proportions, thyme helps to reduce stress and insomnia. 


cinnamon spice

Cinnamon is mostly used for pastries and baked food like cakes and pies. Some people say it has the smell of Christmas.  The spice has been known to alter brain function by boosting concentration, memory and attention. It can help to reduce hypertensive feelings and general unhappiness.


happiness spices rosemary

Rosemary is the kind of spice that tells all your neighbours that you’re cooking. The tempting flavour travels far and wide. Apart from giving food a special flavour, the spice also has its health benefits. Rosemary helps with mental fatigue, burnout and depression by triggering the neurotransmitters responsible for calming the nerves and introducing a balanced aura. 

The next time you feel mentally strained, you should get yourself a plate of Jollof rice made with Rosemary. 


happiness spices - saffron

In traditional Middle Eastern cultures, the spice is referred to as the “spice of happiness.”

The spice is mostly found in Asia and the Middle East and has been found to have antidepressant abilities. A recent study that was carried out in Iran, one of the countries where Saffron is grown, revealed that the spice can work as an alternative to pharmaceutically produced antidepressants. 

Now that you know my secret and these happiness spices, it’s time to try them out. 

Order on demand or select from a menu of over 100 mouth-watering dishes weekly, made with the healthiest of ingredients and the happiest of spices!



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