Potatoes, the superfood we overlook, have always come through for humanity during its time of need. From Europe to Asia and Africa. During times of starvation and famine, many cultures like the Irish have depended on just potatoes to survive

In this study about health and life expectancy, they are attributed as one of the foods that make people live longer. They are one of the world’s most important staple food. They are not just sweet but are also cheap, and can be grown in many countries. 

So what exactly makes potatoes a superfood? Is it the fact that they can be boiled, fried, roasted, mashed, or made into porridge and still be sweet or the fact that they are a rich source of carbohydrates and vitamins? It is all of this and more.

5 Reasons Why Potatoes Are A Superfood

An Abundance of Critical Nutrients, Minerals And Vitamins

Most people don’t realize it but potatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Unlike other sources of carbohydrates that are usually just starch-filled, potatoes pack a healthy punch of other important nutrients. However, all potatoes contain different amounts of nutrients.

An average tuber of sweet potato contains:

30% of your daily recommended Vitamin C intake

15% of your daily recommended Potassium intake

10% of your daily recommended Vitamin B6 intake

120% of your daily recommended Vitamin A intake 

9% of your daily recommended Protein intake

Some iron and calcium

Vitamin A plays a major role in our eye health, growth in children, immune system strength and reproduction. Vitamin C is good for the skin, necessary for the growth, development and repair of body tissues and also involved in the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Vitamin B6 is responsible for brain growth and the development of the nervous system.

Potatoes, the superfood for Antioxidation, Cancer and Fighting Diseases

Potatoes play a large role in detoxifying the body and combating unwanted elements. Foods that do this are called antioxidant foods and they are very vital to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, ageing symptoms, rheumatism, arthritis, cancer, and a range of autoimmune diseases. 

They do so by absorbing the troubled cells and tissues and ridding them of the dysfunction. They have been heavily linked to reducing and correcting cancerous cells in the body. Think of potatoes not just like Superman to your body but also like Bruce Lee because it doesn’t just fight diseases, it fortifies your body’s immune system to fight them in its absence.

Diet, Weight Loss, and Healthy Eating

Potatoes have gotten a bad rep for weight loss because of the popularity of french fries and its supposed unhealthiness, but french fries are just one of the many ways you can eat your potatoes. 

Potato is a good source of high energy and can be filling even when that is all we eat. This is because of its low glycemic index. This means it takes more time for your body to break down potatoes, thereby extending your period of satisfaction as compared to foods made from refined carbohydrates like flour and sugar. 

Feeling satisfied for longer helps you to eat less and not overindulge while you are on a diet. That is why potatoes are great for dieting as you can use them as a replacement for other fattening foods and still lose weight. 

Any type of potato will give you adequate nutrients without raising your blood sugar, unlike other carbohydrates. This makes them a favourite for those who want to live healthy and fit. Also, if you’re close to broke and you need to buy foodstuff to last you till you make money, you should buy potatoes.

Reduction of Blood Pressure 

Another way through which potatoes save humans every day is by the reduction of blood pressure. Our blood pressure constantly rises and drops due to internal and external factors like stress and sickness. 

As mentioned earlier, the tuber contains potassium, one of the many minerals that help to regulate blood pressure and make sure that we are producing red blood cells at a healthy amount. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, vein blockage and the general health of your circulatory system.

Gut and Digestive Support

When cooked, potatoes contain amylose, a type of starch that is resistant to digestion by the stomach and small intestine but serves as food for the good bacteria that aid digestion in the body’s digestive tract. These bacteria feed on amylose and produce another chemical called butyrate, which is a fatty acid. Butyrate nourishes the cells lining the colon, promoting a strong intestinal barrier and keeping toxins out of the bloodstream. The resistant amylose also cleans out the digestive system and strengthens it to perform optimally.

There are so many ways through which potatoes save the day, but how they are eaten also matters.

As Salad

potatoes the superfood in salad

Potatoes can be eaten as a type of salad in combination with other veggies as in the case of Eden’s Sweet Potato Zuchini Salad


potatoes the superfood in salad

When boiled, potatoes can be eaten alone, with pepper sauce or stew as in the case of Eden’s Boiled Irish Potato and Grilled Italian Chicken Sauce


potatoes the superfood with grilled chicken

Potatoes can be roasted and eaten with any sauce as in the case of Eden’s Roasted Sweet Potato and Catfish Stew.


potatoes the superfood with fish

Fried potatoes can be eaten in many ways. One of such ways is the Eden Fried Potato and Yaji Salad

As Porridge

potatoes the superfood with in porridge form

Many people will say the best way to eat potatoes is as porridge. Like Eden’s Sweet Potato Porridge and Fried Peppered Hake.


Check out more superfoods here!

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