5 Benefits Of Using A Laundry Service

If you had the option to go out/watch TV all Saturday instead of doing laundry, which would you pick? There’s no doubt what your answer will be. No one would prefer to wash clothes every other weekend rather than spend it on the things and people that they love. Everyone loves treated to a good Laundry Service.

When you outsource laundry, you have the option of picking either a laundry service or a laundromat. A laundromat is a commercial laundry facility usually equipped with multiple washing machines, dryers, and sometimes ironing or pressing machines. You walk in, sort your clothes yourself, get them washed and wait till they dry. 

While a laundry service is a business that helps its clients sort, wash and iron their clothes for an agreed fee. Many laundry services offer pickup and delivery options so clients do not have to come and drop their clothes off.


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Using a laundry service is the more convenient option as it frees up your time, allows you to focus on more important things and handle your clothes with more care and attention than a regular laundromat. Here are some of the many benefits of using laundry services. 

It Saves Money

In the long run, using a laundry service saves you money. First off, washing machines are quite expensive. You’d have to part with a lot of money to be able to afford a good one. Let’s not talk about the electricity demands of using one. 

Also, laundry services will clean your clothes better, thereby making them last longer. You won’t have to worry about your clothes fading easily or being burnt with an iron. 

It Saves Time

Patronizing a laundry service will definitely save you a generous amount of time. In addition to washing your clothes, the laundry service can offer pick-up and delivery options, that way, you don’t have to worry about leaving your house just to get your clothes washed. 

You get more time to rest, catch up with your loved ones, have fun or do more work if that’s what you like. 

It Reduces Stress

Did you know that just thinking about the amount of laundry you have to do and when you’ll be able to do it is some form of stress? 

The entire process of washing clothes is stressful. You first have to sort and separate your clothes based on colour and stain type. You then have to wash based on the classification, rinse and hang out to dry. 

With a laundry service, you no longer have to dread your weekends or laundry days. You don’t have to pile up your clothes anymore, or prep them to be washed, you can just ship them off to the laundry service and continue your day without the stress. 

It Gives You More Flexibility

With a laundry service, you never have to worry about when you should wash your clothes as it becomes someone else’s problem. You can plan your time accordingly and make space for activities that would have encroached into your laundry days if you were doing your own laundry. 

It Helps You Rest

With a laundry service, you can rest all you want on weekends because you don’t have to make time to do laundry continuously. Laundry is a chore that doesn’t end so outsourcing it will give you a lot of rest and relaxation time.


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If you want to save time, reduce stress and rest more, then you should use the best laundry service in Lagos. 

Eden Life laundry offers you the best care for your clothes as they are handled by experienced professionals who are skilled in the art of laundry. 

Our laundry service has a turnaround time of 48 hours and we also pick-up and deliver your clothes for free. There’s no stress with Eden.

Try out an Eden Life laundry plan today


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