6 Nigerians Talk About Their Worst Cleaner Experience

Hiring a cleaner can be a very stressful activity for a Nigerian. There are few services you can trust to give you good cleaners and trying to hire one individually is a big risk. You can wake up one morning and they’re gone with your car keys, or worse. 

With things like these, it’s mostly always 50/50. You might get an honest cleaner that is bad at cleaning and get a good cleaner that is bad at everything else. Six Nigerians narrate their worse experiences with cleaners. 


I hired a cleaner from a cleaning service and he used soapy water on my expensive wall art. He turned my oil painting into a smudge and when I asked him why, he said he thought the painting was spillage from when I was painting the house and he wanted to get rid of it for me.


My cleaner was stealing my money for months. I’d check my wallet and I wouldn’t find the money I kept there. I thought I was just careless until the day my friend asked me to test my cleaner. I didn’t want to do it but he eventually convinced me. 

I intentionally left money in a particular room and told her to clean just that room. I went inside when she was done and found that the money had gone. I approached her and she confessed. She was really great at cleaning but I had to let her go.


I closed early and came back home to meet my cleaner in my dressing robe. She even wore my heels and had been trying out my clothes without my knowledge. I was really surprised cause she seemed so innocent and didn’t look like she could do such a thing. I kept her, but with a stern warning because good cleaners are hard to find.


I hired a cleaner from one of these agencies and after a while, I found out that he was cooking my food when I wasn’t home. He didn’t even have the decency to hide it properly. He would cook noodles and put the empty sachet back in the carton. I didn’t find out until the carton was at least half. 


My cleaner was so bad at cleaning that I would meet my house worse than I left it. She would mop the floor with so much soap that it would be stained instead of shiny. I had to start mixing the mop water for her and show her how to wipe dust off my electronics without scratching the screen. 


My cleaner crashed my new TV on the ground. He was cleaning my sitting room and had the genius idea to raise the TV. All I heard was a resounding thud on the floor. I thought someone fell and didn’t think it was the TV. When I got downstairs, the screen had shattered and I was just speechless because I couldn’t even ask him to replace it, where would he see the money?

Cleaners can make or break your home. You should invest in professional cleaning by experts that are verified and vetted. That’s what an Eden Life cleaning service gives you. 

You can schedule your cleaning anytime you want and relax because our cleaners are experienced in the art of cleaning and would deliver a great job every time. 

Try out an Eden Life cleaning plan.

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