cooking stress and cooking disaster stories

Cooking stress is a big part of our lives. Firstly, cooking takes a lot of effort and plenty of time. Most people would describe it as a high-effort, low-reward task, and just like any other activity, some people are great at it while others are terrible. And even those who are not great at it try their hands on it. Sometimes it turns out well, other times, it ends up as a disaster. Some Nigerians narrated their cooking stress stories and their biggest cooking disasters here. 


I don’t like cooking. It seems like a waste of my time because I would spend an hour or more making something that I would eat in less than 20 minutes. The last time I cooked, I made beans with so much salt that if I had put it on an earthworm, it would have probably died on the spot. Even after adding a generous amount of water and recooking, I had to throw the food away because it still tasted like I was licking the ocean. That was the last time I entered the kitchen. I have stuck to buying my food for now. 


I tried to imitate what I saw on TV and use alcohol to cook. I poured some Vodka in my frying pan and swirled it around. The top of the frying pan caught fire immediately just like on TV. I was feeling pleased with myself. What I didn’t envisage was the napkin I used catching fire too and almost spreading to my shirt sleeve. I threw the frying pan away and never tried to do anything with alcohol again.


I wouldn’t say I’m a bad cook but I’ve cooked up a lot of nonsense in this life. The most recent one was the time when I added an entire sachet of curry to my Ogbolo soup. I don’t know why I didn’t just check for the recipe online. The soup came out tasting like when you put the tip of your tongue on cold iron. It was really bad. I still ate it sha because I wasn’t about to waste resources. Talk about self-induced cooking stress.


I never really learned how to cook and I’ve never had to do it. When I was younger, I tried to make rice but I ended up picking it like beans because that’s what I thought our cook did. I spent over an hour “picking” rice before I boiled it. I can’t confirm or deny if it eventually came out edible. Let’s just say, the restaurant in my school retained a customer. 


I had just gotten back from the office, I was very tired but I needed to cook and eat. I started boiling yams and I dozed off. I woke up coughing, the house covered in smoke and my yams, charred and stuck to the pot, looking like burnt offerings. That day, I learnt my lesson, I never cook when I’m tired, I’d rather just sleep hungry. 

Eating doesn’t have to involve cooking. You can satisfy all your cravings and experiment with new local and continental dishes with an Eden Life meal plan. Our team of professional chefs will make sure you always have delicious meals to eat without stressing in the kitchen. 

We will make sure you have mouth-watering meals every day. There’s no need to stress when you have us. We will take care of you. 

Order food delivery or get an Eden Life plan today.

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