How To Make Your House Smell Like Heaven

We’re halfway through the first half of the year and there’s an interesting question I’ve always had. Have you ever wondered what your house smells like? What do you think people perceive when they first walk into your space? I know right, it’s pretty hard to tell your house smell.

There’s an explanation for that. You know that weird scent you notice when you get back home after being away for a while, usually, a week or longer, that’s how your house smells to other people. This phenomenon is called “nose blindness”.  

As the next half of the year commences, it is essential that your house smells fresh, welcoming and homely, like heaven.  If you think it doesn’t, there are a few things you can do to change that. You can check out some of them here. 


Read: Cleaning Your Home – 5 Surprising Health Benefits


Get Essential Oil Diffusers

A diffuser is a device that breaks down oils into smaller particles and gradually introduces them into the atmosphere to give off a pleasant scent. Diffusers are like a cheat code to make your house smell fresh and clean. They come in different shapes, sizes and flavours depending on your preference and can be either manual or electric. 

Diffusers make your space smell nice, have been said to boost moods, help you sleep better and also help you breathe better by purifying the air.

Add Air Fresheners To Your AC Vents

A simple but effective way to make your house smell fresh always is to place small, solid air fresheners in front of your air vents. That way, when the air disperses from the vent, it carries the scent of the air freshener along with it. 

The air conditioner’s circulation helps spread the scent around your house and makes it smell better. Most people already do this for their cars so we know how effective it is.

Get Rid of Trash Regularly

The less trash you keep indoors, the better your house would smell generally. Use a disposable trash bag and empty your bin every day. This will prevent any unwanted odours from seeping into the atmosphere of your space. 

You should pay special attention to kitchen waste as it is the most organic and likely to develop foul smells. You don’t want your friends coming into your house and being sucker-punched by the smell of rotting food.

Sprinkle Baking Soda on Carpets and Corners

Baking Soda is an organic substance that has natural deodorising abilities. It helps to keep your space free from stains and odourless. You can add baking soda to carpets, furniture, drains and dark corners. It absorbs sweat, oil and moisture from these surfaces, and breaks down blockages in drains, making them clean as well. 

Spray Air Fresheners Frequently

If you use air fresheners over a long period of time, your house absorbs that scent and starts to smell like that on default. You shouldn’t use them only when you’re about to have company but on a more regular basis like just after cleaning, before bed and randomly in the afternoon. You deserve to smell great fragrances too.

Buy Indoor Plants

Plants help to neutralise a lot of unwanted smells by absorbing them and infusing clean oxygen into the atmosphere. They act as natural purifiers and can also make your house cooler. 

These plants are cheap, easy to manage and will definitely improve the smell of your space. Some indoor plants like Gardenias, Lavender, Orchids and Jasmine have great, sweet fragrances.

Get an Eden Life Cleaning Plan

There’s a direct correlation between the cleanliness of your space and how great it smells. You should outsource the cleaning of your house to professional housekeepers. Eden housekeepers pay a lot of attention to detail and miss no corners when they’re cleaning, they’ll clean your space and leave it smelling like a garden, the garden of Eden. 

You should start an Eden Life cleaning plan today.




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