Stressful Market Runs? We Can Relate

stressful market runs

If you like going to the market then you might just be an alien. Think about it. Stressful market runs are at the top of most people’s worst chores list. Going to the market is a tedious chore that everybody seems to hate. Markets in Nigeria are very disorganized and can get stressful. From people shouting at you to come and buy their wares to some bold ones who physically try to drag you to their shops. To the sexual harassers and catcallers. Markets are a madness.

From the terrible states of most markets to the sheer amount of people you have to come in contact with, market runs do not seem to have any appeal. I didn’t think there was anyone that hated going to the market more than me until I spoke to six Nigerians and they shared their thoughts about going to the market.


The amount of people present at the market at any given point is just a lot. I hate body contact with strangers. The way most markets are structured makes it impossible to avoid contact with other people. Once I have to go to the market, I get sick. When I come back, I have to bathe and scrub myself before anything else. I would rather not step my foot in another market.


For me, it has to be the pricing. I hate haggling like crazy. Just tell me the correct price and let me be on my way. But no, traders would rather hike prices so you can start going back and forth with them. If you don’t, they believe they’ve swindled you. I don’t have power for drama, I just pay the second price they say and go. This is why I prefer supermarkets, it’s just that food items are smaller and more expensive there.


Going out at all is my problem. I work remotely and don’t like stepping out of the house. The market is just one of those places I don’t want to, but have to go. I’ve tried a couple of options like personal shoppers and those delivery companies but none of them get exactly what I want. I end up having to go once a month.


I don’t hate markets generally. I just hate them in the rainy season. I think it’s PTSD from having slipped and fallen in the market when I was a teenager. Many markets are messy when it rains. The wet ground and mud irritate and scare me to no end. I try to avoid a recurrence by wearing rain boots to the market during the rainy season. It is pretty effective but it gives me a lot of stares and people call me names like Princess and Cinderella.


For me, it’s the smell. I get nauseous all the time and markets do not help. From the gutters to some of the stuff the traders are selling, there is always something smelling. The regular culprit is the water in which catfish are stored. I hate going to the market cause of these strong smells.


This might be a recent development but I hate how prices keep changing every two weeks. I know things are bad but I don’t want to be forced to deal with the reality every day. That’s why I don’t like going. 

Market runs can be dreadful and if you can avoid them, you should. You can always order online and get your groceries delivered to you.

We’ll go to the markets in your stead and can also make a variety of delicious chef-cooked meals for you. 

You can forget about stressful market runs forever when you get an Eden meal plan or order online from the Eden Marketplace.


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