4 Healthier Alternatives to Rice

healthier alternatives to rice

Rice is the major staple of Nigerian households and the go-to food for most people. However, if you are looking for healthier alternatives to rice, you’re in the right place.

These rice substitutes taste as good as rice (if not better) and have the same chewy texture:


healthier alternatives to rice: bulgur

Bulgur is a whole grain obtained from cracked Durum wheat. It is mostly found in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and West Asian cuisines. The wheat is dried and split open to extract the grain. 

Bulgur grains are shorter than regular rice and can be eaten with anything from stew to soups and salads. It also cooks faster than normal rice and contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as a good amount of protein and fibre.

Due to its high fibre content, it helps to aid digestion. It also improves blood sugar regulation and weight loss. A 100 grams Bulgur contains 83 kcal and has a fat content of just 0.2g.


healthier alternatives to rice - couscous

Even though it looks like one, couscous is neither a grain nor a seed. It is made from a mixture of Semolina and water. Semolina is obtained from grounded wheat. 

Couscous is native to North African countries and relatively easy to cook. All it takes is about 5 minutes of boiling. Just like rice, it can be eaten with anything you want. 

It contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein and fibre. Every 100g of Couscous has 365kcal and 11.5g of protein.


healthier alternatives to rice - quinoa

Quinoa isn’t a grain but looks and tastes like one. It is the seed of the goosefoot plant but is referred to as a pseudocereal because it gets cooked and eaten like a grain.

Quinoa contains a lot of proteins and carbohydrates. It is higher in calories than regular sources like beans and soybeans.

The pseudocereal is also high in fibre, and minerals. A 100g of Quinoa contains 120 kcal and 4.4g of protein.

Riced Cauliflower

healthier alternatives to rice - riced cauliflower

Riced cauliflower is tastier than the other healthier alternatives to rice. It contains fewer carbohydrates and carbs. It is made by chopping or grating cauliflower into small grain-sized pieces. The grated cauliflower is then boiled until soft.

It is very useful for people who want to go on keto and low-carb diets. A 100g of riced cauliflower contains just 25kcal and 3g of carbohydrates, which is 18 times less than normal rice.

Eden has a large variety of healthy options that you can choose as a replacement for meals which you find unhealthy. When it comes to fit-fam, we have got you covered.

Speak with a health professional or get a meal plan to get healthy rice alternatives easily.

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