6 Nigerians Talk About Their Hate For Laundry

Doing Laundry has to be one of the most hated chores in the world. There’s an innate hatred for doing laundry and almost everyone complains about it. 

From those who wash with their bare hands to those who use a machine, and even those who outsource this crucial chore – clearly washing clothes feels more like a punishment than anything to most.

I spoke with 5 Nigerians who really hate doing laundry and they told me how it makes them feel.


There’s nothing I hate more than laundry day. The pain I feel after, the way my hand begins to peel after washing, the constant scrubbing and the backache from sitting down for long. I don’t even bother with washing anymore, I just give it to some “washerwomen” in my area.


The amount of intentionality that goes into washing clothes is too much. First, you have to sort clothes by colour or fabric, pick detergent or bar soap, separate whites and coloured, wash and squeeze, rinse and squeeze. 

Then you dry them and you have to worry about the weather and start praying for the sun as if you’re a juju priest. It’s just too much. If I had put this amount of intentionality into my last relationship, I’m sure it would have led to marriage.


Washing clothes isn’t my problem. It’s the rinsing and drying part that I hate. Why can’t clothes just get rid of the soap and dry themselves? After all the suffering involved in washing, I still have to rinse twice and then walk outside to put them under the sun. It’s a very high effort, low reward task. 


I hate washing clothes because my skin is very sensitive. I react to most detergents and when I dip my hand in soapy water, it gets very itchy. It is so bad that I have to stop and scratch my hand red before I continue washing. Unfortunately, I’m still in the trenches and can’t afford a washing machine yet. 


I don’t mind washing clothes at all. In fact, I wash almost every week. But you see those thick and big things like bed sheets, towels, jeans, they are the worst. Whenever I have to wash them, it takes all my strength to not break down and start crying. 


I hate washing so I bought a washing machine thinking it would help but after I got it, I realised that I still have to sort clothes and dry them after. It is better but doing laundry is still very stressful. 

We’ll let you in on a secret. You don’t really have to do laundry if you don’t want to. 

With an Eden Life laundry plan, you never have to go through the stress of washing, the pain of itchy palms and scrubbing ever again.

You can get your dirty clothes picked up, washed, ironed, folded and delivered within a space of 48 hours.

It’s really that easy with us. Choose the soft life today. 


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