5 Common Household Items That You Forget To Clean

Cleaning is a stressful chore that never seems to end. There are so many items that need to be scrubbed, washed, swept, and mopped that it can get quite overwhelming. 

Most times, in a bid to get it over and done with, there are some important items that we completely ignore or forget to clean. So naturally, we made you a list of five of them, and if you’re guilty of any of these, you should change your ways today.

Remote Controls

Remote controls are handled by a lot of people every day. They also get dropped everywhere, from dusty tables to dirty floors, and gather a lot of germs as they are moved. They should be wiped down with disinfectants weekly. 

Toilet Brushes

Your toilet brush does one of the most thankless jobs in the house. They clean a lot of ‘dirt’ and should be cleaned constantly. 

The brushes can be a breeding ground for germs if you just drop them into the holder right after you use them. You should run water through them and let them dry out over the drain before you keep them in the holder.

Handles and Doorknobs

When you clean your house, it is quite easy to forget about handles and doorknobs. Meanwhile, they are one of the most touched items in any space. 

You touch a doorknob to open and close your room, a drawer handle to get things from a drawer. You should clean your handles with a disinfectant every week.  


Mops get neglected because most people assume that since you’re using them to clean, they are getting cleaned in the process and you don’t have to clean them. This isn’t true. 

While they are used to clean, they also retain residue from the surfaces on which they have been used. They can spread this dirt and germs around the next time you use them without washing.

Clean your mops by dipping them in a bucket of water with disinfectant or letting the water run through them. You should also leave them out to dry in the sun.

Kitchen Sponges

If kitchen sponges could talk, they would complain of constantly being used and dumped. When they are used to scrub off dirt and food residue from dishes, they retain some of these particles. 

You should wash your sponge immediately after use and occasionally soak in hot water to kill germs. 

Cleaning is stressful. There’s just too much to do and after the stress of the entire week, you shouldn’t have to go through all of that.

Get an Eden Life cleaning subscription and you never have to worry about cleaning surfaces and fighting spiders, you can just relax while we do the work. 

We have a team of professional cleaners who will deep-clean (emphasis on deep) your home at your convenience. Our cleaners are experts who we have vetted and checked, they are so good that they can probably clean the spots from a leopard. 

You can start an Eden Life cleaning plan here.


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