An Update From Our Co-Founder and CEO, Nadayar Enegesi

We’ve recently announced a round of funding, $1.4 million, that will enable us to continue driving our mission. But beyond the numbers, I feel the need to explain what it means for you, for us. 

Since we started this journey in 2019, you’ve trusted us to make your life better. We’ve provided over 60,000 services since we started, from clean clothes and homes to nourishing food. 

This year alone, you’ve said kind things about us across the internet over 1,200 times – I know this because I read everything, and it makes my day every time. A significant number of our customers are here because other customers like you referred them. 

It probably sounds like something people say, but your engagement is how we got here. Your feedback, for example, is how we knew that to give you a great food experience, we had to bring our entire food operation in-house. We set up a food production facility and hired an all-star team. Your advocacy and how you tell everyone about Eden is how we continue to grow. 

Your trust and love are how we can expand the team, refine our processes, and continue to improve your experience. It’s also how we were able to raise funding. 

Our mission remains 10xing the quality of life. We’ll make excellent service accessible to more people by unifying a pleasant customer experience and competent service delivery using technology. This round of funding helps us go further and faster on our key projects to: 

  • Train our staff – not just the core gardener team – to become customer success champions. 
  • Set up a world-class service facility that will sharpen our operations, and help us work more effectively and secure better service partners. 
  • Build out a more robust engineering team to make your app experience better. 

The road to a 10x quality of life for everyone on the continent is long, but we’ll do all the hard work so that you can live the soft life.

You deserve it.

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