One Person’s Hack To Finding Some Structure In A Chaotic Life

What’s your Lagos reality? 

It’s chaotic, and it’s especially true because of what I do. You’re moving a client’s order in cartons, coordinating logistics and all. I’ve been in this chaos for ten years, and it’s now normal to me. But it’s from that chaos that I’m to deliver on my own life. 

The first time I saw Eden, I was like, “oh, it’s for those rich kids,” and that was my perception. 


But then, I started seeing people talking about it, and I could tell that it wasn’t people getting paid to hype it. I didn’t take action, though. But the thing is because I was always working, I started missing out on meals a lot. 

Can you quantify how much you were missing? 

Look, I like food a lot, but I just found out I’d get so busy and only remember that I haven’t eaten at night. So then I started getting more tired and less productive. Then someone asked you, “what has changed around you?” I said nothing has changed. Then she asked, “what about your eating?” And that’s when it clicked adequately. 

Who is she? 

My mum, she’s a doctor. I was getting too lost in the moment, trying to take care of customers without caring for myself. So, I tried the ordering route, but I just knew I didn’t have the strength for it. 

What were the things about ordering from apps that weren’t working for you? 

I’d place an order, expecting that max, one or two hours. When you call the bike man, he’s either giving you stories or doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Then, I started considering Eden again, and when I found out that there were people who worked there that I could trust, I knew I had to do it. 

What was your final pull? 

A lunch plan. I think it was just perfect for me. I subscribed, then I got a call from someone who helped me with my onboarding – that felt good like oh wow, someone is calling me. And when I signed up, I met my gardener. The meals started coming, and they came within the hours that worked for me. 

It’s been mostly consistent since I started using it, and I’ve seen improvement in some areas. So it comes, I heat it, I eat, then I go back to my madness. 

A few weeks ago, I fell ill. 

I’m so sorry about that. 

Everything just stopped. But the only thing that didn’t stop was that my meals showed up at my door every day. Frankly, I don’t know what it would have been like if I hadn’t had that on lock. 

So, that was your “this is good” to “this is great” moment. 

Yes. The food just showed up every day. Now, I just pick everything I’m going to eat for the following week, and then I just move on with my life. 

How long does it take you to pick your meals? 

Less than 5 minutes. I pick my rice and my swallow and soups, and some other things. Then I move. Starchy food is essential for me because of the energy to power through the rest of the day. 

Do you have any idea how much time that saves you – the 5-minute pick?

Remember I told you it used to take me hours to get food delivered. 

So, you used less than 5 minutes to save you up to 15 hours of worrying. 


As you’re saying it, it’s hitting my head like, that’s true! Woah. That’s awesome. 

That makes me glad. 

But it hasn’t always been a great-great experience, though. There was one time I waited for lunch, and there was a failed delivery. My gardener said it was a glitch. So I missed lunch that day, but what happened was that I got an extra delivery the following day. Extra food always feels good. 

I’m so sorry you had to go through that. 

But wait, that’s only one failed delivery since I started! That’s mad o. 

I run a business here, so I know how crazy it can get. I’ve heard stories of dispatch riders messing up orders or eating people’s food. 

So, because I work with customers, I understand that it’s not just about serving the customer but also giving a damn. And I respect that whenever I see it. So, I feel like I’m eating smarter, and it’s not eating too deeply into my pocket. 

What’s your least favourite thing about Eden so far? 

It used to be that I wouldn’t get prompted whenever my plan is about to finish. It’s like you’re drinking juice, and you just realise all of a sudden, it just ends. But that changed; I now get advanced notice of when I’ll be debited and how much. 

Even when sapa hits me, I know my food will still arrive because I already paid for food in advance. Also, I’d like to if there was an option for super large portions because of my physically intensive job. 

Interesting. Now, what aspect of your life would you like to outsource. Anything. 

The first thing is my day to day planning. The second is my finances; the third is my love life. 

That love life part is interesting. I’ll ask the product team what they can do. 


On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your Eden Life? 

Definitely an 8. If you give me more portion options and maybe take care of my whole life, I’ll give you a 10. 

Haha! Feedback taken. You deserve a good life. 


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