How Many Hours Do You Spend On Chores? Janet Did The Math

Tell me what it was like growing up and what working was like around the house.

Growing up in a family of four kids, I was the 3rd child. My mum was always in charge of making food and keeping the house tidy. My siblings didn’t help much. But, it looked like she was doing a lot, so I chose to help whenever I could. It didn’t seem like much either, but it was something.

Everybody dreaded washing plates, but someone has to do it, so I ended up doing most of the chores and helping out in the kitchen. Did it reduce my playtime? Yes. Some cartoon time? Definitely.

But who doesn’t like a clean house with food 😂

So, you cleaned a lot growing up. And when you finally started living alone?

Living alone was a bit easier because I didn’t have to clean after someone else. I made a habit of cleaning once there’s a mess. That helps maintain the house.

But with time, I got tired.

I had to work a lot which meant less time for housekeeping and even cooking. So at some point, I turned to eating lots of junk and ordering food from online vendors.

I ended up spending more money than I planned to.

Let me digress a little. Explain what you do for a living like I’m 5.

I talk to computers in languages they understand, and they do my bidding. I also have the power to allow anyone in the world to see and use my creations. 

If I was a child and you told me this, I’d want to be a software engineer too.


Walk me through the numbers; let’s paint a scenario for how you knew you were spending more.

I always work with a budget. On a regular day, I eat at least two meals. When I eat out, one meal is about ₦2000. If you do the math, I’m spending over ₦25k per week. That’s a difference of ₦15k/week. In a month, that’s an extra ₦60k. Gone.

Interestingly, you’re thinking about the cost in terms of money. What about time?

When I order, I don’t use a lot of time there. When I cook, I have to go to the market and all of that. It takes up all my time. As for housekeeping, I had to do that either way. I can’t stand an unclean environment.

Let’s break it down further. 

Market movement takes about 45 minutes – I do that once a week. I do the significant cooking once a week (foods I can store in the fridge). That takes 2 hours at least. Then other minor cooking within the week takes a total of one and a half hours every day.

Putting that together is about 11 hours 45 minutes.


Hmm. I’ve not put this figure together before now. It sounds a bit scary. 

Tell me 12 other things you can do with 12 hours. (Minus sitting in Lagos traffic)

There is plenty to do with 12 hours. I could give more time to my technical writing. Also, improve on my book reading. Wow. That’s half a day. I could sleep, wake up and still get some work done.

Okay, back to cleaning. What does your current cleaning plan do you for you?

My cleaning plan is once a month. I’m considering moving it to twice a month because I’m still putting in some time to save. But, so far, it’s been great. The first time I had some feedback, and they were implemented the following month. 

What’s your favourite thing about your Eden Life right now?

I love that it saves me some time and energy, so I can focus on more delicate aspects of my life. 

What’s your least favourite thing about EdenLife?

When I was on a meal plan, I’d have to say I had consistent issues with delivery time and, at some point, the quality of meals. The task Eden has taken on is not an easy one, so it’s pretty understandable.

I’m sorry you had to experience that. What were your average delivery times?

I’d say after 12. 

Just by the way. In June, our average delivery time dropped to 12:22 pm. This August, it’s dropped to 11.24 am. It won’t stop falling. What’s something we currently don’t do that you’d want it to do in the future?

House maintenance, like plumbing, painting, and electricals. 

On a scale of 1-10, how’d you rate your EdenLife?

Right now, I’d rate it an 8. The service I get is excellent, but the remaining two marks are hanging because I get a different cleaner each time, and I have to introduce the person to the house. 

One more question. Do you have a friend who you feel deserves Eden?

Dotun. I’ve been preaching Eden to him since, but he’s still stubborn. He talked about how much he spends eating outside – he doesn’t cook. Maybe some experience would change his mind. 

Hmm. What if we gifted him a meal plan, say lunch? On your behalf, of course. 

That sounds awesome!

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